Pop Culture

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Check here for movies, TV shows, and book reviews, as well as social commentary on pop culture itself. We focus on media most relevant to adolescents and young adults, particularly with regards to mental health.

Let’s talk about “Melancholia”

Let’s talk about “Melancholia”

Y’all, this movie is, full stop, a masterpiece. I re-watched it in anticipation of this post…and then re-watched it again. There is simply nothing else like it. What was marketed as a movie about the end of the world is, at its core, a story about depression. In case...

Let’s talk about Station Eleven

Let’s talk about Station Eleven

Please watch it so we can talk about it! I’ve always been interested in the idea of cultural trauma (also called “historical trauma”). If it’s your first time encountering this term, click here for a good primer! To summarize the incredible article above, there may be...

Let’s talk about Don Draper from “Mad Men”

Let’s talk about Don Draper from “Mad Men”

This image is simply iconic. Let me tell you about a show I particularly love, one that I re-watch at each stage of life, and one that’s ripe for psychological discussion. In exploring the characters, there will inevitably be spoilers here. If you haven’t seen the...

Advertising hates women

Advertising hates women

Does advertising hate women? I was poking around on YouTube during a rare day off, and the platform suggested I may be interested in looking at TV advertisements from the 80’s. And, I was! As I was born early in ’84, I was intrigued by what daytime TV viewers were...