Psych 101

Here’s What You’ll Find

Articles about human thought and behavior that may help young people better understand themselves and their world.

Sandplay as Therapy

Sandplay as Therapy

In this article, psychology student Wangyouxiang Cheng details his sandplay work with orphans and left-behind children. Researcher Bio: Wangyouxiang Cheng, Brandeis University-Art and Science School student, major in Psychology, class of 26. Cheng received initial...

Virginity is a social construct

Virginity is a social construct

If you spend some time with American media, you might get the idea that virginity is a very important thing. Here are some of the examples I can remember seeing lately: “Sex Drive” – Ian sets off on a cross-country trip to lose his virginity, which he sees as...

Gratitude costs nothing (but means everything)

Gratitude costs nothing (but means everything)

I was complaining to my therapist (as I am wont to do) about the general lack of appreciation I have felt in the workplace. To wit: I had served seven years at a medical college and was particularly proud of the work I had done creating and maintaining an online...