Mass General Hospital Institute of Health Professions

More about my student accessibility practices

“I think the course generally helps practitioners better understand statistical significance when reading journal articles and it would be of help to those going into research”

I thought the course was very well-run and I loved that it was self-paced. The videos were extremely helpful.”

“She made the class enjoyable and it was well organized. She was also quick to respond to an email or a question in the discussion page.”

“Her ability to present the material in a clear and concise manner. She was timely with assignment grading and feedback.”

“She is am amazing instructor! I had several friends and family members express shock at my saying that! I love my statistics class! It was a real testament to the professor that she made a subject that makes people cower in fear very enjoyable. Her structuring of the course as well as the informative and interesting videos made the course content feel accessible and easy to understand. The way that information was packed (for example, the different research studies that were presented) also make it feel more interesting, relevant, and engaging. I really, really enjoying this class and would recommend it to anyone who might be looking to take a statistics class.”

“As an aspiring pharmacist, interpretation of clinical data will be an important aspect of my career and will allow me to ensure that I am working with medical professionals and patients to find safe and effective drug therapies. This course helped me to understand how to logically interpret the data and decide which results are significant, as well as how to apply clinical findings to the patient-centered situation at hand”

“The instructor was so helpful, and provided great feedback on assignments!”

“The course was taught in an applied manner using real-world examples of how the material in the course would be employed in a research-based setting. This aided in the understanding of not just the data-manipulating steps of the problems in the material, but also of how this material would be used in the healthcare research environment.”

“Lecture videos and walkthroughs about how to use the SPSS software, explanation of why the procedure was the way it was, and how to interpret results. I also appreciated IMMENSELY the feedback given on each assignment and the opportunity to resubmit assignments with corrections based on feedback”

“I found the professor’s feedback on each and every paper to be the most effective in helping me understand the product she was looking for”

“The professor gave detailed feedback on all of our assignments. She was available for 1:1 calls to further explain any modules. She responded promptly to calls, texts, and emails. She has been absolutely FANTASTIC!”

“The instructor provided a clear layout of expectations and course objectives in the syllabus at the beginning of the semester. The instructions of the assignments were also very helpful and informative. I seldom found myself second-guessing the instructions during any of my homework assignments”

“All of the information was organized by module, very easy to find all of the information needed”

“She was very timely in returning papers and did a very thorough job in reviewing them”

“All course content was easy to find and access. Things were organized in an intuitive fashion, with everything in order of when they should be accessed. This allowed me to find the right information for each section we were learning without trouble.”

“The instructor had a very positive attitude and was extremely helpful and polite throughout my assignment feedback”

“Video instructions and lectures were made interesting and easy to follow”

“responsive and very helpful feedback”

“good, prompt feedback, thorough explanations”

“The instructor was extremely courteous and professional throughout the semester. She was very helpful when grading assignments, pointing out things we needed to work on and allowing us to revise our assignments. The lecture slides and readings were very helpful in completing assignments. The instructor maintained a very flexible schedule for providing extra assistance throughout the semester”

“The instructor was extremely organized and all course material was presented in a straightforward, clear manner. The instructor allowed for a self-paced course, which allowed students to move through the material as quickly as they wished. Material was presented in such a way that it was not just taught, but also understood and retained after the lessons were completed.”

“The professor’s lectures were not only informative and clear, but interesting as well, and I am not a huge math person so I was apprehensive about the material at first, but thanks to the professor’s teaching style I felt that learning the material was not only smooth (albeit challenging at times), but enjoyable because I could understand the applicability of everything we learned”

“This course gave me more tools in interpreting and statistical analysis for scholarly papers- I feel as though I am better prepared to analyze others’ work”

“I enjoyed the conceptual learning concept through the course. This allowed myself as a future medical professional to have a better understanding of the role statistics plays in a healthcare setting”

“Overall, this was a great class. The instructor provided great and fast feedback for assignments and really helped you understand materials”

“Obviously very learned in statistics! Great feedback provided after each assignment to ensure better understanding of the course content”

“I found the video lectures to be SO HELPFUL in understanding the general concepts and ideas of the course and the accompanying software. The professor presented the material in a way that made it feel accessible and easier to understand.”

“She seemed to be available to clarify anything needed and she always graded in a timely manner. She replied very quickly to emails and her power points were excellent!”

“I really appreciated how the professor clearly conveyed her expectations for students in terms of deadlines. Also, all course materials, were laid out in an intuitive and manageable way, and I found that demystified both the online class structure (to which I was very new and kind of afraid) as well as the content of the class.”

“Each module was broken down into subsections and everything was clearly organized and easy to follow.”

“The professor’s communications were always respectful, informative, clear, and kind. It was very much appreciated!”

“Very knowledgeable and seems SUPER interested in the subject. Helpful and thoughtful in her responses to students.”

“The lectures were interesting, clear, and just the right length. They allowed time for trial and error, and they gave great explanations of practice problems. They were also pretty funny!”

“She gave a lot of great feedback on the modules to help understand the content better. Her videos were also upbeat and I found to be the most useful. “

“She was always available, quick to give feedback and give the opportunity for improvement.”

“She’s relatable, clear in her instruction, and just really good at what she does!”

“The professor did a nice job introducing the “big picture” concepts at the start of each module before diving into specifics in subsequent lectures on teach topic. I also thought that the design of the course was good for applying what we were learning during the lectures in order to complete the assignments. It wasn’t rote repetition/memorization, we had to understand the concepts to do well on the assignments”

“The professor made everything clear, easy, and fun throughout the course!”

“The Professor approaches statistics (a rather dry subject) with professionalism and a healthy dose of humor. She made the topics approachable and easy to understand.”

“The video lectures and all of the additional reading and information provided was very helpful for me. Also, I like how there were a lot of practice exercises, some with videos to guide you through them and then an explanation of the answers. I found these all very helpful.”

“The teacher made herself available whenever we needed her by using weekly virtual office hours. She responded quickly, she gave feedback on all of our assignments, she encouraged us with positivity. Additionally, she let us work more or less at our own pace, which was extremely helpful. I learned a lot and enjoyed Statistics!”

“The straightforward APPLICABLE course content material. Without the kind, knowledgeable and patient direction from the professor my anxiety over this course would have caused me to fail. I was terrified of this course, having failed once before, until I met her. She is the epitome of what an instructor should be. Thank you so much.”

“She was absolutely amazing in so many encouraging ways. She restored my faith in my ability to continue my education. If I can continue on, I can only hope all of my instructors are as knowledgeable as she is. The way she teaches makes the information learned useful IN THE REAL WORLD! Thank you again professor. I will be eternally grateful.”

“Great professor, helped me learn course material that I never thought I would understand.”

“I really enjoyed Professor’s teaching style.”

“I think this professor did a great job explaining and teaching the material. She also had a great attitude that made for an easier learning experience.”

“Clear, succinct instruction to assignments. Very easy to approach and helpful/understanding. Extremely detailed responses to assignments, and clear in instruction in regards to how to fix errors.”

“She was great at explaining difficult topics in a patient, easy to understand way. Breaking them down step by step and giving a lot of different examples definitely help with this.”

“She is positive and prompt. Very encouraging teacher. It goes a long way 😊”

“Professor was always available if anyone needed extra help or any more explanation on modules. It’s evident she cares about her students and provided us with so many resources to ensure we did well in the course”

“Professor has a positive attitude and gave great feedback with assignments. I found her to be fair and approachable. She responds quickly to emails and made herself available to her students (online office hours, providing multiple ways to contact her, etc.). This was a great experience.”

“Patience and the ability to provide information RELEVANT TO MY PRACTICE OF NURSING! She has been a breath of fresh air.”

“I think [the course is] perfect. I’m sure whatever changes Professor makes, she will guide her students accordingly. She’s amazing.”

“Professor was incredibly responsive to all of my questions regarding the assignments and did so in a timely manner. She made a great effort to be available to the entire class and that was greatly appreciated. I found the lectures to be clear and the example data sets with questions and answers very useful in answering the modules. By using health data sets to interpret, I really can see how helpful this information will be in my health care. I loved SPSS and never felt overwhelmed with the system. I could not have been happier with my first online class experience.”

“This was a great course and I can take the knowledge I got from this class and use it for my own research and career. This was a well-structured class.”

“Energetic. Clear to the point. Very responsive and helpful, friendly.”

“I think she did an amazing job of keeping me engaged in the course. Thank you.”

“She’s very energetic and passionate about what she does. Incorporating memes and humor encouraged students to not only take notes, but engage and interact with her and the information she provides.”

“I found it very easy to communicate with my instructor. I felt her feedback was helpful and it encouraged me to work harder, to be more efficient within the requirement of the course’s objective.”

“Excellent ability to explain complex topics. Encouraging attitude. Great presentation voice. Enthusiasm for statistics.”

“The biggest strength was her ability to lecture and thoroughly explain all of the examples before giving the assignment. She spent a lot of time showing us where to find resources as well as explaining them. She was always quick to respond and give great feedback on our assignments. She was understanding and took the time to explain/resolve any questions in regards to assignments and lectures”

“Professor was incredible! She was present, helpful, and engaging. I never thought I would have an experience like that in an online course!”

“Professor was extremely available for feedback and questions. She gave students an opportunity to re-submit assignments, as to learn from our mistakes”

“You can tell she really wants her students to learn and to achieve success.”

“Very communicative and available.”

“The class was extremely organized and easy to follow, and she is good at explaining course topics. She gave the most helpful constructive feedback on assignments.”

“This course helped me understand statistical terms that I had been reading and interpreting for years, but now have a better understanding of what they actually mean. I feel much more confident about being able to interpret and discuss research with others and in my upcoming classes”

“This course did an excellent job applying the material to real-life examples. I feel that the choice to use SPSS as the statistical software was an excellent one. SPSS provides a lot of information while not being too complicated or requiring coding”

“There were no improvements needed, the course was organized very well to help understand the materials”

“The fact that this was self-paced was immensely helpful and amazing. In some of my other courses, there was so much content due midweek that I ended up not doing certain tasks as carefully or as thoroughly as I wanted to simply because I was doing these classes in addition to a full time job and just did not have the time. But the way this course was structured was just so refreshing and really allowed me to actually do the assignments properly. I also love that each module was taught by practice, rather than having a bunch of theory and then suddenly mathematical problems on a test”

“I think the feedback was very helpful for me in order to learn the material…having examples and direct feedback on my assignments is the best way for me to learn from my mistakes”

“Everything presented to us was obviously very deliberately selected to assist in learning”

“The instructor was very organized, her videos helped understand the materials”

“Feedback was very timely and thoughtful. All assignments and materials were posted in a way that was easy to follow”

“[The professor] was very responsive throughout the course”

“I love that you provided feedback and allowed us to fix our mistakes. I found that so helpful, even though I did make the same mistakes a couple times!

“It was very nice to feel personally welcomed to the class”

“[The professor] answers questions about the material and gives us feedback on each situation. She is genuinely engaged with the material. She is approachable and helpful when I do not understand something. The assignments use clear language. The material is relevant to exactly what I hope to use this new knowledge for: understanding nursing and medical research”

“[The professor] is an excellent communicator, she does an excellent job of helping to troubleshoot issues remotely, the content she’s posts get at exactly what we need to know (there isn’t a lot of distracting supplementary material)”

“The video lectures and personalized feedback after each assignment were fantastic”

“The video lectures were amazing, easily the best I’ve seen in any of the classes at [the institution]. I also loved the feedback, it was really helpful for improving my understanding”

“The many, many examples that [the professor] provided and the amount of practice that was possible for us to do to ensure our success”

“I appreciated that it was all self-paced and all of the content was available. I found myself going back to older assignments and revising as a result of newer information. Video presentations provided by [the professor] were also very clear and helpful”

“Each assignment was productive and helpful”

“Clearly set up sections, everything seemed to naturally progress as levels of understanding would (i.e., she was clearly very intentional about how she set up the course)”

“This was my most engaged instructor throughout my courses at [the institution]. She was very encouraging with clear requirements. You could really tell that she wanted students to learn the material and do well”

“She was always so kind in all the notes she wrote to us, and she did her best to inject humor into the course. She clearly loves the subject, and it’s delightful to learn from her!”

“My personal computer was stolen during this course (losing my notes as well as software needed for the completion of the course). The instructor took time to craft a very helpful response as to how to help the issue, it proved to be very helpful”

“Always gave great, specific feedback on assignments that were helpful to learning”

“She did such an excellent job of encouraging learning! She even offered to (and did) send me articles for further reading on subjects I needed a bit more help with”

“She communicates clearly, which is important in an online only class. Her demeanor also made her very approachable and I felt like it was ok to ask questions as a result. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this class as I was worried about the subject matter being brand new. I can’t say enough great things about this class/instructor”

“Organized, quick to respond to inquiries, excellent explanation of complicated concepts”

“Kind, *very* knowledgeable and aware of every aspect of the subject”

“I have had a wonderful experience taking this class with [the professor]!”

“I absolutely loved the memes within the lessons”

“[The professor] was thorough, responsive and well-organized. I learned a lot in a short amount of time!”

“This course was a prerequisite for me before I start my doctoral program. I feel adequately prepared for when I have to start my research classes and understanding basic statistics and how to recognize if data is significant”

“The course helped me to understand the basics of how to write and interpret research data”

“I’m able to better understand and interpret findings in research articles. It allows me to compare articles and choose ones for evidence-based practice”

“I received an email with a study and I was able to better understand the study results from a statistical perspective. This will be very valuable for me going foward”

“I read scientific articles as part of my work as a health care provider. I used to struggle to make sense of statistical information, and synthesizing what I read took great effort. This course solidified m understanding of statistical concepts in a way that reading those articles is now a snap. Better yet, this course helped me gain a vocabulary to describe and translate statistical information to my patients. When I educate my patients, I try to model how [the professor] would explain statistical concepts to me. This course has been tremendously meaningful in the way I provide care and I wish I had taken the course sooner!”

“I need statistics for my future medical profession of a SLP. It will also help with reading medical papers. I also started to look at surveys and stats differently in the world around me”

“The videos and practice data were great. She walked us through every step so we really understood how it all works.”

“The professor gave great feedback on assignments”

“The lectures were the most effective. They had a nice pace and very informational”

“The lectures and sample questions were extremely helpful as well as the feedback provided on assignments”

“[The professor] always offers extremely clear class instructions and feedback and her passion for statistics is palpable!”

“I really liked the self-pace of the course. I’m a motivated and driven individual inherently, so the self pace really worked for me. It allowed me to work on my schedule (full time mother, full time business owner, and part time student) but without the added distress of deadlines”

“I really appreciate the way [the professor] used many modes of teaching. Powerpoint slides, video and audio lectures, supplemental readings, and hands-on practice assignments. Each of these modes was engaging and rewarding. Most of all, and perhaps most surprisingly, I found [the professor’s] presentations to be FUN! THe information really stuck with me, and I captured meaning very effectively from the lessons and assignments”

“I felt that the professor feedback was most helpful to understand mistakes that I had made to create a better understanding of the material”

“I did like how the professor used examples related to health care/clinical research. This was a helpful way to go about thinking about these new concepts, and to see how they might be applied in real-life situations”

“Feedback from [the professor] helped me to grasp which concepts I did not fully understand. The discussion board also helped where other students could ask questions and I could read them along with the responses from [the professor] which helped answer some of the questions I had regarding assignments”

“Course syllabus was very clear and objectives of the course were clearly laid out in each of the assignments. Course expectations were very clear and how assignments were graded was very clear”

“The course was incredibly lean…every activity was VERY useful”

“I am overall incredibly impressed with the quality of education provided by this course. [The professor] was an engaged, highly effective educator and every single aspect of the class actively helped my learning”

“[The professor] should teach as many courses as she can. She is exceptional”

“Once again, I have zero suggestions for improvement. I applaud [the professor and the organization] for the high quality of this course. This course should be the gold standard for online learning!”

“The course was extremely educational and helpful for my future plans to starting a doctorate program”

“The format of the course is perfect in my opinion!”

“The syllabus for this class was crystal-clear about expectations, assignments, grading policies, and due dates. This information was flawless and consistently applied throughout the class”

“She added humor to her lectures and PP slides, which definitely helped”

“She is extremely responsive with getting back to emails or any questions that we may have. She was very thorough in correcting our work and also recognizing the things we did right”

“Really appreciated that we were able to re-submit assignments for a higher grade. [The professor] was very organized in the timeline of the course and laid out very clearly what would be an appropriate timeline for submitting assignments and when to turn things in if you wanted feedback and time to re-submit”

[The professor] has very organized slide presentations that explain the material of the course along with supplemental readings to all of the topics. Each are organized well on the course page so that it was easy to find where in the class I left off. I appreciated the printouts of slides that were available, as well as typed notes that were posted for videos explaining the software and how to run certain tests”

“Course was well structured in a user friendly format for online students”

“[The professor] responded to my comments in a timely manner, professionally but conversationally, and in a clear and open way. Bravo!”

“She provided her contact information and was extremely responsive when asked questions. I should know, because I emailed her with multiple questions regarding almost every module”

“Feedback was always given in response to assignments which was extremely helpful throughout the course. [The professor] responded very quickly to both emails and to assignments so that corrections could be made”

“Every module assignment had very detailed notes that helped me understand how to fix my errors”

“Any question a student had that may have benefitted the rest of the class, [the professor] would notify us in order to help everyone else”

“The professor offered office hours numerous times throughout the course and tailored the day/times to what worked best for the students”

“I never felt inadequate or stupid with all the material presented. It was presented in a very educational way”

“I got the impression that [the professor] really cares about her students. She was available for online (but real-time) office hours. She gave continuous feedback on assignments. Getting this level of interaction took the anonymity out of an online class. I felt like she truly wanted us to learn and succeed, that made a real impact on my level of engagement and learning”

“The instructor really communicates with students on a respectfully supportive level through feedback and emails alike”

“She was very respectful and never made anyone feel bad. Very inclusive and approachable”

“She provided constructive criticism in a polite manner”

“[The professor] provided clear and timely feedback on all assignments. I read through several of the questions brought up by others in the course and [the professor’s] responses were helpful to me as well even though I didnt ask the original question”

“I contacted her multiple times regarding questions on the modules and assignments. She was extremely responsive. I never felt like I was contacting her too much or that my questions were willy. She approaches her students with a warm demeanor, is exceptionally friendly, and really wanted us to understand what we were doing. She made that clear from the beginning. I dreaded taking this course because, well, because it’s Stats, but she made it fun by adding humor to her lectures and PP presentations while discussing what can be a very dry topic. I really enjoyed her lectures and felt like I really learned the basics of SPSS. She gave us example upon example to learn from”

“Keep doing what she is doing! Her lectures were my favorite part of each module and made the online learning environment feel like a classroom”

“I think that [the professor] does a great job promoting learning in this course by making it self paced. This way, students are encouraged to stay on top of their work while learning a pace that works for them”

“Very organized, fair, timely and w/clear goals for the course”

“Very organized. Clear communications and teaching style”

“The instructor is extremely invested in her students and wants them to succeed and I didn’t have to meet her in person to figure that out. She is an incredible teacher and I wish I could take more courses from instructors like her!”

“So helpful with questions which is great because statistics are hard!”

“[The professor] has an excellent fund of knowledge and possesses an admirable ability to communicate that knowledge to her students. In an overall top-notch course taught by a top-notch instructor, perhaps my biggest takeaway is how important it is to be able to translate scientific language into plain speech. The way that [the professor] explained statistical concepts to her students in the class- I hope to be able to explain concepts to my patients that same way!”

“Organized, great videos, helpful guides to the data sets. Answered emails promptly. Very supportive and encouraging”

“Lectures were easy to follow and understand. Instructor was not monotone. I enjoyed the memes at the end of lectures”

“I really enjoyed the constructive feedback on each assignment. I also enjoyed how the she recognized and praised the things we’d done correctly or how we were improving on reporting certain things throughout the course. Thank you, [professor], for a wonderful introduction to statistics course!”

“[The professor] is very knowledgeable about statistics as well as the health care field in general which made this class very enjoyable because of all the examples and studies in the assignments were health care related and made statistics easier for me to comprehend and apply. She is very enthusiastic about the course, as one can tell by her video lectures, and I can tell that [the professor] is passionate about teaching and encouraging students!”

“I took this class as pre-requisite for graduate school. I feel that it really prepared me to start classes this Fall. I will have to take a research class during my program and I know this class will have given be a great base to draw knowledge from”

“Self-paced format, clear explanation, permission to resubmit the revised version of the final assignment, and regrading the final assignment were very effective points of the course. These aspects not only encouraged me to read more, but also allowed me to learn more. The course was exactly the same as described by the professor”

“I think the initial evaluations of all of the assignments were the most effective in helping understand mistakes and learn from them. Secondly, the video lectures were also very understandably helpful in learning the course material”

“I really felt the live videos helped me- I could listen to them while doing the SPSS work sheets at the same time. I personally do best by listening and hands on learning so I felt like this was a very effective learning environment for me. I was initially nervous about taking an online class and how I would do. It was also helpful to be able to get edits/feedback on each module in order to improve and truly understand the material”

“[The professor] did a great job of providing multiple different kinds of resources for learning each module. The video lectures were incredibly helpful in understanding the use of the SPSS software and made it easy to use them as a reference when completing each module assignment. [The professor] also provided extensive written feedback for each assignment. This was incredibly helpful because she didn’t just tell me an answer was incorrect, she explained to me WHY it was incorrect and suggested how I might reframe my answer”

“[The professor] provided lecture videos, supplemental reading, and exercises that I found very helpful. I was able to rewatch the videos to get a better understanding of the context. With each assignment, she provided detailed corrections that I was able to apply”

“[The professor] made these fantastic, hilarious, and relatively short tutorial videos that were easy to follow. She also provided great supplementary material to help make us better interpretations about our data. Furthermore, the fact that this class was self-paced made it the best course out of all the courses I took. The self-pacing acknowledges the flexibility that students taking online courses need. This class worked flawlessly for me”

“The modules were well structured and organized so that it was clear what each electronic folder contained”

“The lecture videos were very easy to understand especially when the material was very complex”

“[The professor] would give very clear organized feedback regarding assignments and any questions!”

“I always received prompt responses to the assignments and helpful feedback to improve my work. She made it clear she was readily available for questions/concerns”

“Highly organized and quick to respond to questions and assignments. Any questions were answered swiftly and adequately and left me without any further questions”

“The discussion board…was a helpful place where [the professor] encouraged students to ask questions and provide feedback on the course content. She always responded to students in a timely manner”

“In the instructors feedback to me it was always positive and constructive”

“I feel the class was really well organized- there was the perfect amount of powerpoints, videos, self-assignments/practice modules that I always felt prepared to take the final assignment at the end of the module”

“Excellent communication skills!”

“The best instructor in terms of being clear in teaching and assignment. Helped students to learn more”

“The ability to take a very complicated material and explain it in terms that is easy to understand. She provided very good feedback on the assignments. I would highly recommend her class to any student seeking an Intro to Statistics.”

“The positive feedback is appreciated”

“[The professor] gives great feedback with a lot of attention to detail. I was also SO impressed with how quickly she responded to any of my email questions regarding assignments. She answered clearly and quickly every time. I really enjoyed her instruction and help this semester!”

“It was obvious that the instructor for the course was passionate about teaching which really helped me want to learn more. I was worried about taking statistics because it was not my strongest class in undergrad, but she helped make the class engaging and not overwhelming for me. I would strongly recommend her for future students who need to fill a statistics pre-requisite”

“I’ve taken many online courses, and [the professor] is perhaps the best online course instructor I’ve had. Her detailed responses for each assignment were incredibly helpful in communicating the strengths and weaknesses of my work and my errors were always explained to me in a way that helped me learn. It’s clear she knows the field incredibly well and is really good at teaching statistical concepts at a beginner level”

“Her knowledge and positivity were her greatest strengths. I think it’s important to note that she was more excited about the regrades because of how they created a path for demonstrating learning. Correcting mistakes is the easiest and most effective way to get someone to learn and that avenue was very clear in the course”

“[The professor] is a very effective teacher and she uses her great sense of humor rather strategically to help her students better understand the material. She also provides great constructive feedback for assignments. [The professor] is a 10/10 professor and [the institute] is extremely lucky to have her!”

“With this knowledge I will be able to run my own research projects in the future that may help the health of thousands of patients”

“This course was extremely informative and taught me more about statistics. It will be beneficial when reviewing research articles”

“She was the best teacher I ever had. She always made herself available and took the time to make sure that I understood the material. She had plenty of resources and step-by-step instructions too!”

“The opportunity to review and resubmit assignments was most effective in helping me learn because the feedback from [the professor] allowed me to be confident in completing the assignment. It also helped me feel well prepared for the next course topic.

“The constructive feedback on assignments from [the professor] was very helpful”

“Presentations, discussion board, and [the professor’s] prompt reply to all of my questions were most effective in helping me learn”

“[The professor] was able to provide video recordings for each submission that would allow us to follow along with her while she did example questions and powerpoint presentations”

“[The professor] would give us feedback on our work, clearly instructing us on where we could improve”

“I feel that this course was designed very well and students were provided with all of the materials needed to be successful”

“Even though this course was all self-paced, [the professor] provided an outline of when to complete each module so that students would not fall behind in the course. She also offered to help anyone who was facing scheduling or organization conflicts. Her helpfulness and availability were admirable and very useful to me as a student”

“Despite the course being self-paced, she found a way to keep us all on track and completing modules at relatively the same time”

“[The professor] always provided timely feedback on my assignments- all her comments were supportive and facilitated my learning”

“[The professor] was always very quick to answer every question and would always share useful information in the course chatroom”

“All of her feedback was helpful positive. When I did well she made me feel really great about my progress, my abilities, and my place in the course”

“She was always positive, happy, and treated us all equally which is the most anyone can ask for”

“She often offered extra help sessions and had a range of availability which is very helpful when running an online class”

“It’s hard to foster an inclusive classroom environment when the class is 100% online and self-paced, but the professor did an excellent job of announcing office hours and availability both online and in person”

“She was a very encouraging and positive instructor”

“At the beginning of the course she warmly welcomed us all in. She made sure that when she explained a question I had, I understood the answer and could apply it. Most teachers just answer and move on. No matter how many different students at different points, she communicated effectively and quickly”

“Individualized and meticulous assignment feedback and active responding to the questions in the discussion forum”

“wonderful feedback”

“The instructor seems to be understanding of the diverse student body and seemed willing to help and help students achieve a good outcome for the course”

“Strong communicator. Understanding. Knowledgeable.”

“She is amazing. The course presentations are very helpful and easy to follow. She responded to all of my questions very quickly. One of the best instructors I ever had”

“I loved that the professor allowed us to re-submit an assignment twice, and then take the average of the 2 grades. Very helpful”

“Her cheerfulness, her effective teaching, the self-paced aspect of the course, her numerous examples, her flexible hours and quickness to answer questions, her truly wanting all of her students to succeed”

“[The professor] was always positive and encouraging. This allowed me to build my confidence while taking this course and she was very thorough with her explanations. Although I did not meet her in person I really enjoyed her online course and would recommend it to others!”

“[The professor] was always quick to respond to students. She allowed ample availability if anyone needed any help- holding office hours, online sessions, and was always advising us to reach out if we needed any help. She provided a great deal of feedback which allowed me to correctly learn the course material and I was always advised to redo questions in order to learn more effectively”

“The practice examples show how broadly the techniques can be used. [The professor] chose examples that we could easily link to healthcare to show us how they could be used in our future careers”

“I learned how to actually interpret statistics rather than just crunch numbers”

“Enables me to provide valuable data when collecting and analyzing data I have collected plus reading data others have collected. Sets students up for success when it comes to understanding the value of statistics”

“The video lectures were very informative and made me successful”

“Self teaching and then using the slides and lectures in more applicable ways- the best way to learn is by doing!”

“The recorded lectures were amazing”

“The professor’s feedback after module submissions were extremely thorough and easy to understand. I also like the videos where the professor is teaching the content”

“The practice examples were non-graded assignments and allowed me to practice when I needed it, but move on if I felt I understood the materials. The self-paced aspect was also very helpful. I was able to complete multiple assignments some weeks, and not complete any for a period of a few weeks. The flexibility made it a less stressful experience than if I had an assignment due every week”

“The ability to resubmit assignments for a partial increase in credit was very helpful because it allowed us to learn from our mistakes”

“I really enjoyed the narration over the PowerPoint videos very helpful. She provided many different learning opportunities and scenarios to work with prior to submitting the module assignments. I appreciated the hands on aspect of it of us computing it ourselves, but never felt unsupported in that. She made it very easy to use the platform and walk us through what she was expecting of us”

“I really appreciated the lecture format and the SPSS examples provided in each module. Other online courses I have taken in the past are primarily based on student reading from a textbook. This course was more centered around the video lectures and I thought this provided better organization and presentation on material. The focus on APA formatting was also very useful for future statistical reporting”

“I loved the way the class was structured. Having the ability to listen to her videos, follow along with my own SPSS system, and then looking back at PDFs on how to operate SPSS allowed me to test my knowledge on what I remembered and how each function worked. [The professor] was very efficient at returning emails when I was stuck on a topic and provided great feedback on how to fix my errors. Overall great class which has allowed me to become more comfortable in formatting, understanding certain terminology to statistics, and overall feeling more confident in reading scientific articles with particular formatting”

“[The professor] was always very prompt in responding with helpful criticism and connections to the assignments. feedback was very useful! She also posted videos explaining things, and the slides. I found this very helpful because the slides were good to learn from but if I had a specific question or something I didn’t understand I would watch the video for a better explanation”

“She set up both lecture and notes to reflect each assignment. She was responsive to questions or concerns sent”

“She was always offering meeting times for those who needed assistance”

“She always made it very clear she is available for help through either Zoom or the discussion boards”

“[The professor] responded to module assignments promptly and with detailed and encouraging feedback. Her comments were engaging and I appreciated the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and improve upon my assignment submissions”

“[The professor] definitely takes a strong interest in helping her students engage with the course material. She is very enthusiastic in both her lecture videos and written responses in discussion boards and assignment feedback”

“I enjoyed the first discussion of introducing ourselves through a discussion post. She also did a really nice job of responding to our modules when grading them and was encouraging and positive about the work received. I never felt anxious or stressed turning in an assignment because I thought she was very nice and understanding”

“[The professor] made the course material more fun and her upbeat attitude. Her feedback on all assignments and throughout the course material was very engaging!”

“Each time I emailed with a question, [the professor] would answer that same day with pictures and detailed instructions of how to fix my problem. I was very grateful for her assistance with it”

“very good with feedback, enthusiastic, personable, a delight to be taught by!”

“Smart, helpful, kind. She made a subject that could be really dry interesting and so easy to understand. The lectures were so great!”

“She cares about her students succeeding and understanding, and she does everything in her power to make both of those happen”

“Really helpful and thorough feedback on assignments”

“Positive attitude, encouraging feedback, engaging presentation of a subject that can be overly complicated”

“Knowledgeable about subject, able to give strong examples for each lecture”

“I felt very comfortable reaching out via email with any questions. This was my first time taking an online course ,and I have never been someone that contacts my professor outside of class with questions. [The professor] made questions feel welcome, and I had no trouble contacting her”

“Her feedback on assignments was thorough and always conveyed in a positive tone. She made this class very enjoyable”

“[The professor] was an excellent instructor. It was evident that she wanted her students to succeed. Whenever I had a question about the material, she would always get back to me quickly. Since this was an online course, she even offered 1 on 1 “office hours” over Zoom to explain the material in more depth”

“Communicates on a student level. Relates when you have problems. She was great and extremely responsive”

“I have taken this class as a prerequisite to a DNP program, and found the content easily understandable and applicable to my current role as a Nurse Director. I m to use this new knowledge in statistics to guide how I evaluate patient care and make decisions on new staffing patterns, evidence based practices and policies, and quality of care methods”

“This was an understandable course. I really want to stress that it was very easy to follow, and I didn’t ever feel as if I was missing information”

“I felt that the instructor of the course was exceptional. Her slides were very clear, well thought-out, and she provided timely feedback on all of my assignments. I wish she was hosting an Intermediate Biostatistics course as well”

“She is an amazing professor with the desire to help students succeed. She has the syllabus organized and planned with dates ahead”

“[The professor] was extremely clear and engaging in all of her videos and comments. She was quick to respond and very helpful”

“[The professor] was fantastic. Her slides were easy to follow, there were plenty of examples to review for more help, and she was extremely fair and reasonable in her feedback on assignments”

“[The professor] was extremely clear and encouraging in all of her videos and comments. She was quick to respond and very helpful”

“She told us to ask questions and when we did she would post them anonymously on the course page. This was great for everyone to see the answers to questions most people probably had”

“[The professor] was timely in her communication, and provided lengthy feedback on our assignments. [The professor] continuously commented on how she was available for future review or discussion, and welcomed any student questions/concerns/suggestions on her slides”

“[The professor] was so encouraging. This was crucial to an intro to stats class where at least I had never explored the subject. She answered every question thoughtfully and respectfully”

“Very responsive to questions and assignments! She really encourages her students learning and makes herself easily accessible even with an online course”

“Empathy, intelligent, helpful, and dedicated”

“[The professor] was very clear, organized, quick to respond, and encouraging. She brought humor and relevance to the course”

“communicative, kind and thoughtful in her responses, provided individualized feedback on each assignment, and published content that was relevant and easy to follow. Wonderful instructor”

“The instructor was so helpful and responsive”

“The examples provided increased my understanding of the way research is conducted in the health field”

“The course gave me a better understanding of health statistic information and how it relates to providing care”

“The taped lectures accompanies with the slides for that lecture were most effective in helping me understand the material throughout the course. Further, [the professor] was very responsive and attentive to any questions or concerns of the students. She also made it clear that she was available with several opportunities for virtual office hours”

“The lectures recorded by the professor were very effective in helping me learn”

“I really appreciated all of the videos and additionally materials for reading. [The professor] was always very attentive and willing to meet with me to review things that weren’t clicking right away!”

“I have taken multiple online courses over the past 10 years. [The professor] is by far the best instructor I have had- the feedback she provides truly helps the student (or at least me) understand the material”

“I enjoyed the projects throughout the semester which provided a closer and more personal look at nutrition”

“How using the software gave me a better understanding of how data is interpreted. The instructor video instruction of was of great help to me un utilizing the software correctly”

“[The professor] gave detailed feedback on all assignments which was extremely helpful! Being able to go back and correct the mistakes and re-submit the assignments really helped solidify my understanding of the concepts that were taught in this course”

“Being able to run through assignments on the SPSS as practice for the actual graded assignments was helpful to my learning. As well the lectures very clearly explained step by step how to run each set of data. Also, the instructor was so helpful and so responsive anytime I had questions or difficulty during an assignment”

“all aspects of the course were effective in helping me learn the material”

“It’s a well run course”

“I really felt like I learned something that I can now use when reading or performing my own future studies”

“great detailed explanations of various modeling techniques used in health related statistics”

“Totally organized! She’s really great. Each class was very clearly presented and organized. Each practice assignment helped with being able to do the actual graded assignments”

“I really appreciate how the modules were organized”

“[The professor] grades assignments in a timely manner and gives great feedback with enough time to re-submit the assignment”

“Every assignment was thoughtfully graded with feedback that was very helpful”

“[The professor] was very responsive to the discussion board questions from students and also very responsive in getting back to me with any questions or concerns. She made herself available and clearly communicated to the students”

“[The professor] provided in depth feedback for all assignments. Her level of communication is fantastic for online courses”

“At the end of every recorded lecture, the instructor invitedthe students to email her with feedback or questions. When I had emailed the instructor with questions she responded immediately and helped me very effectively”

“Always available for help- gave me a Zoom with her session to help me out at one point”

“Not sure this applies to an online class, but I imagine that her level of enthusiasm for statistics, and communication would make for a great in class ear learning experience”

“It was clear that [the professor] cared about her students’ success and understanding of the material. She was very friendly and respectful to her students”

“Communication was always positive and pointed out the positives as well as correcting mistakes”

“I actually thought she was very thorough in explaining the content/topics”

“positive attitude toward the student in what could be for some a challenging mathematical endeavor”

“So calm, nice, easy to email. So helpful and clear with feedback. Really she’s a great instructor!”

“Professional, knowledgeable, caring, eager to help”

“[The professor’s] taped lectures were very clear and well organized in teaching the material throughout the course. The assignments were also very clear and definitely taught you to apply the material just learned from a specific module. [The professor] was very responsive to questions and concerns and made herself available. I really enjoyed this course!”

“[The professor] was extremely helpful, always quick to respond to questions, and very generous with her time when I was having trouble with SPSS”

“She communicated effectively with her students and answered questions in a timely manner”

“This course is going to allow me to understand and interpret data research as a healthcare provider”

“The course provided clear and thorough examples of the principles taught in class. The examples also had a direct application in health care industry and very relevant to my fiend of interest, so I found it even easier to understand, interpret, and apply to everyday clinical work”

“I learned the fundamentals of statistics, which will help me better read and understand research papers, studies, and perhaps do my own in the future”

“Video example problems and practice worksheets with answer keys were extremely effective instructor feedback was very personalized and detailed”

“The teaching videos were very helpful and clearly explained the course material”

“The various data sets were an effective way to practice using SPSS and apply the concepts we had learned”

“[The professor] was great about answering emails and her responses to my questions enhanced my learning”

“The recorded lectures were great! [The professor] clearly presented the material, acknowledging concepts that might be tricky and explaining things in different ways with various examples in order to make the material comprehensible. She also provided many practice opportunities, with clear explanations and demonstrations of the solutions, and this was extremely helpful in order to understand new concepts and applications”

“Self-paced structure, which allowed me to complete the coursework as I was able and not have to wait multiple days for new coursework to be released, was most effective in helping me learn”

“I thought the course was extremely informative and clear-cut. I wouldn’t change a thing. Thanks for a great semester!”

“[The professor] provided an article to read during one of the modules and it was an interesting opportunity to apply newfound knowledge and even test one’s understanding”

“The syllabus was extremely thorough and [the professor] provided all the course materials in clear, labeled, and subdivided folders. She provided rapid, clear, and helpful feedback when assignments were submitted”

“The materials of this course were thoroughly organized and well balanced in categories of similar concepts. Homework assignments touched on most areas of all taught content with direct application to clinical work, so new concepts were easy to comprehend and apply in real time to my clinical practice”

“Each module as very organized and flowed very well. Very easy to follow and pass through the modules”

“All assignments were very clearly explained. There was never ambiguity about assignments and course expectations”

“She welcomed questions and always responded to students questions. She offered additional practice for concepts which was really helpful”

“[The professor] was very responsive to student feedback and communication. She was open to creative criticism and promptly adapted coursework to reflect student feedback”

“[The professor] actively engaged with us via the discussion board, especially with our self introductions, and also with student questions, whether about accessing course material or problems with the content itself”

“She gave great feedback on assignments and never made me feel bad for missing something or doing something incorrectly”

“I appreciate the self-paced class structure, which allows faster learners to not be too bored”

“[The professor’s] interactions and responses on the discussion board helped create a feeling that she was invested in us, even if the course was 100% online and also in a self-paced setting”

“All of us were encouraged to connect with other students in the class and the introduction message board allows us to learn about the other students backgrounds and interests”

“The instructor always ask us for our feedback, provided support, and was available to communicate through discussion boards, one on one sessions”

“It was great to work with [the professor] on this course. She was readily available, prompt with her replies when I reached out and provided very thorough feedback that resolved my questions re: course content and/or assignments. I particularly enjoyed the different word play, puns and memes that were incorporated throughout lectures that made it even more fun to study statistics”

“Instructor’s feedback on assignments was extremely prompt, encouraging, and very thorough”

“[The professor] always provided respectful and supportive feedback on assignments. She was great about identifying strengths and also pointing out areas of possible improvement in an encouraging way. I really appreciated how supportive she was in her feedback”

“She was also great about responding promptly to emails and giving detailed answers in a respectful and supportive way”

“[The professor[ was always polite and enthusiastic in her communications, and extremely attentive and responsive. I did not have problems with the course material, and even so, she gave me very thorough feedback on my assignments, which also gave me confidence to engage more with the content”

“This is already a great course, and I feel that it is perfectly tailored to not only the online format, but also the volume of material that is manageable during a semester”

“Very organized. Very good at explaining statistical concepts and how to use SPSS. Very supportive and encouraging. Very conscientious about answering questions”

“Strength was knowledge of subjects, great communication, support, and made the material really engaging”

“Quick feedback, explaining concepts clearly, providing clear examples in powerpoints. I also appreciated the memes”

“Extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and encouraging. Gave excellent feedback to all assignments”

“[The professor] is organized, attentive, funny, engaging, and encouraging. In my first experience taking online courses, and my first statistics course, she made the material interesting and accessible, and empowered my learning”

“Clear, concise and prompt communication along with easy to understand lectures for introductory concepts of statistics for the novice statistics student”

“I really appreciate that this course was so applicable to real life scenarios. I feel as though I will be able to read/interpret and understand a research article much better now, and I appreciate that we did not waste time memorizing statistical equations and instead focused on applying the learned material to real life scenarios”

“I further understand healthcare research articles by understanding the variables, tests performed, and better understand the outcomes of these research studies”

“The SPSS was great, and [the professor] made it very easy to learn. Also the discussion board of questions was extremely helpful as well.”

“I appreciate all the feedback that [the professor] gave. It allowed me to revisit the assignment and reflect on my work. I felt as though the ability to revise took the pressure off of getting just a good grade but actually understanding the material”

“The way the course was organized was extremely helpful; in addition, each module was neatly organized into subsections, making it easier to go back and find information”

“[The professor] had clear communication skills. She was prompt with her emails and feedback on assignments”

“The course material was very appropriate for the student population healthcare professionals interested in advancing their careers”

“Clear communication skills. Prompt feedback and email responses. Communicated with students using language that was understandable (not just huge statistical jargon all the time). Friendly and available to her students”

“Again, overall great class. Taking a statistics class is very intimidating when you haven’t used statistics, or let alone advanced mathematics, in 5+ years. [The professor] made statistics less intimidating and more understandable”

Author: PsychoBabbleLLC